Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Been a While

It has been forever since my last post. Within that time Landon got a promotion and we have had three holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, & Easter. I will post some of our favorite pictures from that time.

Emme is growing every day. She continues to amaze us!!! Some of her interests include: Being outside!!!!!, Elmo, Play-doh, and Frank and Daisy!!! She loves to eat, especially yogurt!! She is talking up a storm and loves to say: "Daddy", "Mama", "Bubba" (Frank), "Sissy" (Daisy), "open", "side" (outside), "no" (her favorite), "Elmo", "Paci", and she can count to five! We love her so much I cannot wait to be off for the summer to spend time with her. She will go to school three days a week. I am looking forward to that time so I can get organized around the house!!!

I hope every one is well and I will do a better job at keeping up this blog!!!!

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