Sunday, November 23, 2008

Four Month Check Up

Emerson got a great report from the doctor Friday. She is in the 90% for her weight, height, and head circumference. She got her shots and did very good. They made her a little sleepy and she had a fever, but is fine.

We also started giving her some cereal.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Emerson has a cold. :(

Okay, so we knew eventually the day would come when Emerson would get sick. Yesterday we noticed her coughing a lot. Sometimes she does it just to hear the sound of her voice, but this time it was the real deal. She did not have much of a temperature and slept most of the day. We decided to let her sleep with us for a little bit and then we put her in her bed at about 10:00 p.m. She had a few coughing spells through the night and woke up at 4:30 and downed her bottle. Then I took her temp again and it was 100.4. We called the doctor and we went in. They said that she has a feverish cold. She has been so sweet and not been fussy at all. The doctor did say that this could last for ten days-YUCK! She goes for her four month check up Friday so we will keep you updated.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall 2008

Mom took some pics of Emerson and I for part of Landon's birthday/Christmas present. He's out of town for part of this week.


Thursday, October 23, 2008


In the past couple of days we have introduced Emerson to two new toys: the Bumbo and the Jumpster. She is really into her hands and has this concentration thing going on now where she balls up her fits and really focuses on what she's doing. She is truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Three Months

It is hard to believe that our little Emerson Jane is three months. She has been such a sweet and good baby. We have made the transition from breast milk to formula and she has done amazing. No problems whatsoever, except for stinky, stinky diapers. So bad that Landon can barely change them without dry heaving. (Sorry babe, I had to tell on you. Our big, bad husband and daddy almost pucks at changing the diaper. We love you!!!!) She is also taking a bath around 7:15, going down at about 8, and waking up at about 5 a.m. She will got back down after her 5 bottle and sleep until 8.

I am going back to work two weeks from today. I am ready, but so sad to leave Emerson. Mom and Dad kept her Saturday night for her first overnight visit and I cried all the way home to Bellevue after dropping her off. So, needless to say Landon will be the one dropping her off at her school (Nashville Christain) that first day.

We are excited about Emerson's first Halloween. We went to Meme's and Pop's last week with BeBe, Aunt Jody, Aunt Misty, and Sadie Grace to decorate for Fall/Halloween. Meme had two bassinets set up for the girls to take a nap in. Emerson and Sadie were so cute and were talking to each other. We all got a kick out of that.

I have been slacking on updating the past couple of weeks, but hopefully will have some great Halloween pics to share!!!!

Lebanon visit

We went to Lebanon a couple of weeks ago to visit Pebby, David, Aunt Shanda, Uncle Kurt, and cousins Sam and Abby.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Morning Time

Just a lazy Sunday morning at the Dunaways!

Granddaddy and Bebe

Granddaddy and Bebe came over Saturday night to eat and gave Emme a bath!