Tuesday, January 25, 2011

September 2010

We had rescheduled our Destin trip for Labor Day. But at the end of August, Mom had a major health scare. I will not go into details, but it has been a long road. We are so blessed that she is with us and that she is our Mom. Love you Mom.

August 2010

Well I was sad to see summer vacation end, but looking forward to a new school year. Emme also started a new class. We were sad to see Miss McKenzie move, but really enjoy her new class and are very happy with her teachers. We have been talking about moving and look to place our house on the market. We would like to be in Mt. Juliet closer to our Moms.

Summer 2010

It has been a long time since I blogged last. We had a wonderful summer. We spent a lot of time at the pool. We had rescheduled our Destin to trip from July to August because of the oil spill. Our home computers are under repair. I will post pics as soon as I can.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Been a While

It has been forever since my last post. Within that time Landon got a promotion and we have had three holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, & Easter. I will post some of our favorite pictures from that time.

Emme is growing every day. She continues to amaze us!!! Some of her interests include: Being outside!!!!!, Elmo, Play-doh, and Frank and Daisy!!! She loves to eat, especially yogurt!! She is talking up a storm and loves to say: "Daddy", "Mama", "Bubba" (Frank), "Sissy" (Daisy), "open", "side" (outside), "no" (her favorite), "Elmo", "Paci", and she can count to five! We love her so much I cannot wait to be off for the summer to spend time with her. She will go to school three days a week. I am looking forward to that time so I can get organized around the house!!!

I hope every one is well and I will do a better job at keeping up this blog!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Whitney and Frazier's shower

Mom and I gave Whit and Fraz a baby shower last weekend. We cannot wait to meet Evan Graham Buttrey in December. We love you guys!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009